
Bylaws of The Perkins Cybersecurity Educational Fund

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Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name: The official name of this organization shall be "The Perkins Cybersecurity Educational Fund" (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund").

Section 2. Purpose: The Fund is dedicated to advancing education in cybersecurity, providing resources, training, and educational opportunities in malware development, reverse engineering, malware analysis, and secure programming.

Article II: Governance

Section 1. Board of Directors:

Section 2. Officers:

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Eligibility: Membership is open to individuals and organizations interested in supporting the mission.

Section 2. Membership Categories:

Article IV: Partnerships

The Fund partners with companies owned by the founders to enhance cybersecurity education. Agreements are documented and reviewed annually to ensure transparency and compliance.

Article V: Meetings

Article VI: Financial Management

Article VII: Amendments

Amendments require a written proposal 30 days prior to a Board meeting and a two-thirds vote for approval.

Article VIII: Legal Compliance

The Fund operates in compliance with nonprofit laws, maintaining tax-exempt status and adhering to reporting requirements.

Article IX: Dissolution

Dissolution requires Board and general membership approval. Remaining assets are distributed to similar nonprofit organizations.